About Me

'I SEE GALWAY' is a project I started in the late summer of 2011. At that time I had recently returned home, having spent a couple of years working abroad. The original idea was to design a tour app for Galway City, which I would write and code myself- an overly ambitious stretch of ability, even for my most 'tech-y' mates! So instead of confining the concept to an application which may take another year or so to complete, I've decided to begin with what I know- how to type. 

If there's one thing that I like, it's knowing something well.. I like to learn about something new to me and to ask questions, questions and more questions, no doubt pissing people off along the way! The one thing I didn't expect to happen when I started this project, was to become as engrossed in the history of Galway as I have, particularly in the Medieval era. It probably has something to do with the unrealistic lifestyle I've fabricated they might have lived, drinking red wine from goblets at lavish banquets while grand halls were being filled with the music of troubadours.. however, reality was more likely to have been something  slightly more modest.

I'd like to share with you what I've read and heard and learned so far.


  1. Hey DorKnob,

    This blog is great. Between the writing and the photographs I feel myself wanting to read more. Ive always wanted to know about the inner details of Galways self cleaning public toilets. Any info on that?

    Love the Blog,

    1. Hey SAYank,

      Thank you for your support, it's always great to get feedback!

      Regarding the self cleaning toilets -I'm glad you asked. As a general rule, it's probably important to stay positive when writing about a City, and focus on the attractive aspects, however it is equally as amusing to expose certain mindless errors embedded among these attributes.

      On the Western Corner of Eyre Square is an Eastern-Block -looking cluster of toilets. There is a charge of 20c per person to use the automated toilets, which self clean once you've finished. If they are dripping wet when you step foot inside, please don't worry, the likely explanation is that there has been no time to drip dry before accommodating your needs. However, I cannot gaurantee that this is the case. Also, bring tissues.

      My advice, use the facilities in Supermacs.

      -DorKnob *x*x
